How to Choose the Right Colours for Your Vinyl Vehicle Wrap

Enhancing Your Vehicle with the Right Vinyl Wrap Colours

Vinyl vehicle wraps are a great way to personalize your vehicle and make it stand out from the crowd. One of the most important aspects of a vinyl vehicle wrap is choosing the right colours. In this article, we will discuss some tips for selecting the perfect colours for your vinyl vehicle wrap.

Vinyl vehicle wraps are a great way to personalize your vehicle and make it stand out from the crowd

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Consider the Purpose

When choosing the colours for your vinyl vehicle wrap, it's important to consider the purpose of the wrap. If the wrap is for personal use, you have more freedom to choose colours that reflect your personal style and preferences. However, if the wrap is for business use, you may want to choose colours that align with your brand identity and message.

Incorporate Your Branding

If you're using a vinyl vehicle wrap for business purposes, it's important to incorporate your branding into the design. This means using the colours that are associated with your brand, such as your logo colours. This will help to reinforce your brand identity and make your vehicle easily recognizable.

Think About Contrast

When choosing the colours for your vinyl vehicle wrap, it's important to think about contrast. You want to choose colours that have enough contrast so that your message is easy to read and your design is eye-catching. This means choosing colours that are on opposite ends of the colour spectrum, such as black and white or blue and orange.

Another important factor to consider when choosing the colours for your vinyl vehicle wrap is staying current with trends. This doesn't mean that you need to choose the latest trendy colours, but it's important to choose colours that are modern and in style. Doing so will help to ensure that your vehicle wrap looks fresh and relevant for years to come.

Test Your Colours

Before finalizing your vinyl vehicle wrap design, it's important to test your colours. This means printing out a small version of your design and looking at it in different lighting conditions and from different angles. This will help you to see how your colours will look in the real world and make any necessary adjustments before the wrap is installed.


Choosing the right colours for your vinyl vehicle wrap is an important decision that can make a big impact on the overall look and effectiveness of your wrap. By considering the purpose of the wrap, incorporating your branding, thinking about contrast, staying current with trends, and testing your colours, you can create a stunning and effective vinyl vehicle wrap that will turn heads and get your message across.