Removing Vinyl Lettering from Glass: A Step-by-Step Guide


Removing vinyl lettering from glass can be a frustrating and time-consuming task, but it is a necessary one if you want to restore your glass to its original condition. Whether you are removing old lettering from a storefront window, a car window, or any other type of glass surface, the process can be made easier with the right tools and techniques. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to remove vinyl lettering from glass, as well as some tips and tricks to make the process easier and more effective.

Hand holding a scraper to remove adhesive from glass surface


Table of Contents

Tools and Materials

Before you get started, you will need to gather a few tools and materials:

  • Heat gun or hair dryer
  • Razor blade or scraper
  • Plastic or rubber spatula
  • Goo Gone or similar adhesive remover
  • Isopropyl alcohol or glass cleaner
  • Clean cloth or paper towels
  • Protective gloves and eyewear (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to remove vinyl lettering from glass:

  1. Heat the vinyl: Use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat the vinyl lettering for 1-2 minutes. This will soften the vinyl and make it easier to remove.
  2. Peel off the vinyl: Use a plastic or rubber spatula to gently peel up the edge of the vinyl. Once you have an edge lifted, use your fingers or the spatula to pull the vinyl off the glass.
  3. Remove any remaining adhesive: If there is adhesive left on the glass, use a razor blade or scraper to carefully scrape it off. Be sure to use a sharp blade and work slowly and carefully to avoid scratching the glass.
  4. Clean the glass: Apply a small amount of Goo Gone or similar adhesive remover to a clean cloth or paper towel. Rub the cloth over any remaining adhesive to help loosen it. Then, use isopropyl alcohol or glass cleaner to clean the glass surface thoroughly.
  5. Repeat if necessary: If there is any remaining vinyl or adhesive, repeat the heating and peeling process until it is all removed.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips to make the vinyl lettering removal process easier and more effective:

  • Wear gloves and protective eyewear to avoid injury or irritation from the heat gun, razor blade, or adhesive remover.
  • Test the heat gun or hair dryer on a small area of the glass before starting to remove the vinyl. This will help you avoid overheating the glass or causing any damage.
  • Work slowly and carefully when using the razor blade or scraper to remove any remaining adhesive. Apply gentle pressure and use a sharp blade to avoid scratching the glass.
  • Use a clean cloth or paper towel to apply the Goo Gone or adhesive remover. This will help avoid spreading the adhesive around and making the removal process more difficult.
  • Be patient and persistent. Removing vinyl lettering from glass can be a time-consuming process, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve great results.


Removing vinyl lettering from glass can be a daunting task, but it is achievable with the right tools and techniques. By following this step-by-step guide and using the tips and tricks provided, you can easily remove vinyl lettering from any glass surface. Just remember to be patient, work slowly and carefully, and always protect yourself with gloves and eyewear. With a little effort, your glass surfaces will be restored to their original condition in no time!